Tibetan Inner Fire Meditation

  For Yoga Teacher Training, I have to guide the class in a of choice.  When I first heard of this, I knew right away that I wanted to do

28 Days Of Gratitude

Yoga Teacher Training is in the home stretch and we started reading “” by Rhonda Byrne. It is 28 days of practices designed to use gratitude to change your life.

Head Shot Sitting

Whether your changing job, looking for a job, or need new photos of your updated look, getting professional head shots are always a great idea. Whether you are an actress,

Yogic Breathing for Dummies

So, I discovered that I’ve been breathing like an asshole my entire life. Imagine how fast a frantic Chihuahua in a thunderstorm breathes. That’s me, but like always. Not good.

The Struggle is Real

So often when I’m meditating, I find that my mind is scattered and I’m often tired and unfocused. I always find it hard to concentrate. But, that’s the reason I


“When we are real rather than nice, when we choose self expression over self-indulgence, when we choose growth over the need to belong, and when we choose fluidly over rigidity,